Summer Newsletter

All the news from Blackbushe…

Finally the summer weather seems to have joined us - this email has all the reminders and tips to make your flying safe and compliant - plus news on events!

Farnborough Airshow 2024 Procedures

The Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) 2024 returns from 15th-26th July 2024.  With it comes some Temporary Restricted Airspace or RA(T) which has some impact on the way we operate at Blackbushe.


This year’s RA(T) is simpler than in previous years.  It is a 3NM circle centred on Farnborough.  It therefore lies entirely within their CTR1, although it does overlap with our LFA.

There are no restrictions on Blackbushe operations that remain outside of Controlled Airspace and the RA(T).  The following only apply to aircraft requiring the use of the Blackbushe Local Flying Area (LFA).  Therefore, helicopter circuits which remain outside of the LFA and CTR are not affected.


The RA(T) will be restricted to a couple of hours per day.  See the schedule below.

During RA(T) operation, the following apply:

  • Minimum pilot in charge qualification (P1) – PPL with Flight Radio Telephony Operators Licence for operations requiring the use of the LFA.  No student solo circuits during RA(T) activated times.

  • All aircraft operating within the LFA may continue provided they operate at a height of not above 800ft whilst in the LFA.  Aircraft joining on the deadside must ensure they have descended to this height in good time. 

  • Joining traffic must keep a tight circuit and operate at a height of not above 800ft whilst within the LFA portion of the ATZ.

  • Departures from Runway 07 that require entry to the LFA will operate at a height of not above 800ft whilst within the RA(T)

  • Blackbushe will be instructed to cease operations for a Red Arrows display (notified by NOTAM) and may be instructed to cease operations because of a request from a display pilot, the Chairman of the Flying Control Committee (CFCC) or NATS General Manager or for other operational need.

  • Aircraft will comply with regulations applicable to flying in a RA(T).

  • Airshow display pilots will be briefed not to fly below 1800ft AGL when north of the M3 motorway and will be advised that Blackbushe will be active as part of the daily briefings. 

  • SVFR operations are only permitted within the LFA with the permission of the CFCC through the VCR Coordinator.

Schedule For Display RA(T)


SATURDAY 20 JULY:   1400z-1530z

SUNDAY 21 JULY:   0800z-0930z


MONDAY 22 JULY:   1200z-1530z

TUE 23, WED 24, & THU 25 JULY:   1245z-1615z

FRIDAY 26 JULY:   1100z-1530z

Runway Lighting Update

The £1.5m project to replace our runway lights is very near to completion.  All of the installation work on the airfield is complete.  We are waiting on the control system which was delayed starting due to issues outside of our control.  We hope it to be installed within the next few weeks.

The installation of the system does not change the way we operate.  It is a replacement for the system we had working until May 2023.  It doesn’t change opening hours, OOH flying, or other procedures.  It is however a signficant safety improvement as the lighting is compliant with modern regulations, and we’ve enhanced runway entrance and exit lighting.


We get a lot of people calling us and asking about this.  Yes, the new system comes equipped with PCL functionality, which will enable the tower to activate PCL prior to leaving each day, where there is a booking.  This system will require a separate CAA approval, and will need some testing once we have the control electronics installed.  It will not be ready immediately, but we are targeting having it operational by the end of the year.

The system will then only be available to based operators who have completed a short training session on the system, where they have pre-booked its use, and there will be a charge for it’s use which is yet to be set.  Please don’t call us to ask for updates on it, when its ready, we’ll tell you.

Out of Hours Flying (OOH)

OOH season is in full swing.  We’ve had a few pilots who seem to be rusty on the rules for it, including forgetting to make basic radio calls.  So here is a bullet point reminder of the key points:

  • OOH must be booked in advance, online at  this is important as part of the process is a disclaimer which we need for insurance purposes.

  • Reminder that your contact person should be somebody on the ground who you check in with once landed.  It shouldn’t be yourself or any of your passengers.

  • When you’re arriving back into Blackbushe, remember these steps:

    • Before entering ATZ, contact Farnborough on any suitable frequency and request LFA Activation.  You don’t need to remain on Farnborough frequency when in the LFA.

    • Once LFA is activated, switch to Blackbushe 122.305 and make blind calls to Blackbushe Traffic.  These calls should be:

      • About to enter the ATZ

      • Deadside

      • Downwind

      • Final

      • Runway Vacated

    • Remember to join and descend deadside, and follow the circuit.  Do not attempt to join straight-in or other non-standard joins.

    • Once landed, contact Farnborough again on frequency or by phone to deactivate the LFA.

  • After your flight, send an email to with your landing time.  This saves FISO workload in the morning.

As a licensed aerodrome we have to ensure all operations, including those when we’re not here are safe and compliant.  We will withdraw OOH privileges from pilots who consistently fail to abide by the rules in the interests of everyone’s safety.

Farnborough Zone Clearances

There sometimes seems to be confusion amongst pilots when receiving a clearance to transit the Farnborough CTR.  Below are some refresher points:

  • An M3 J4 Clearance will usually be:

    • Farnborough clears you to cross Farnborough Control Zone, via M3 Junction 4, VFR, not above altitude 2000ft, hold north of M3 Junction 4.  Squawk 046*, QNH ****.  Contact Farnborough Radar Frequency 133.440.

  • When you depart from Runway 25, you should be turning crosswind, then downwind, and climbing in the downwind leg.

  • You must remain on 122.305 until exiting the ATZ, or until invited by Blackbushe Information to change to Farnborough, which we’ll endeavour to do once there is no further traffic information for you.

  • At M3 J4, ensure your orbits remain north of the M3 and outside the ATZ.

Things we’ve seen this year:

  • A pilot (who had received a transit clearance on the ground) departed straight out to the west, left the ATZ, switched to Farnborough, and then re-entered the ATZ, orbited in the downwind, and flew the length of the downwind at circuit height whilst not on Blackbushe 122.305 (see ADSB trace above).

  • Pilots orbiting at M3 J4 in large circles bringing them back into the ATZ flying in the opposite direction to base leg traffic.

  • Pilots departing Runway 25, turning right, and overflying Yateley Noise Abatement on the way to M3 J4.

  • A pilot who was unable to get a clearance on the ground due to Farnborough Controller workload, who elected to depart VFR to the west, contacted Farnborough from the air, got an M3 J4 clearance, and then re-entered the ATZ, flew over Yateley Noise Abatement on the way to M3 J4.

If you aren’t confident on transits, give the tower a call for advice.  You might be able to visit the tower and watch another pilot do it.  Or speak to one of the flying schools and book an instructor for a short training session.

Noise Abatement Reminder

We’re seeing a trend of noise abatement overflights, which often come from pilots who rejoin from within Farnborough CTR.  Please remember:

  • Don’t assume when rejoining from the SE that you can join straight in for Runway 25.  The circuit is often busy and established aircraft aren’t going to give way to others who have failed to plan for a proper join.

  • Plan to join overhead the centre of the runway, and make sure your turn to descend on the deadside is well clear of Yateley and Eversley (shaded purple on the map above).

  • If joining overhead, remember to remain south and west of the disused runway 14/32.

  • Alternatively, when coming from the SE, usually via M3 J4, just continue north towards sandhurst, around the outside of the ATZ, and join using the gap between Yateley and Eversley.  This gives you time to switch from Farnborough to Blackbushe, receive traffic information, and will keep you clear of noise abatement.  We used the below diagram for visiting pilots on Blackbushe Air Day which might be of use to you.

Self-Service Fuel Pointers

Self-Service fuel has now been with us for a little over a year.  We seem to have worked out all the kinks with the system itself.  New account cards were issued a few months ago with have embossed numbers on them and are more resilient.

A few reminders around self-service fuelling - from some of the occurrences we’ve had.

  • Remember the aircraft battery must be switched off / isolated during refuelling.  We occasionally see pilots with their anti-collision lights flashing.

  • When refuelling, replace the nozzle in the holder on the side of the pump.  This shuts the pump off and sends the signal that the transaction is finished.  DO NOT lay the nozzle on the ground!

    • On the one hand, someone could come and take fuel and it would be on your account. 

    • More likely, is the pump times out, and goes into lockout.  We then have to spend hours on the phone with remote support getting the pump reset which isn’t as simple as it should be.

  • If your card isn’t recognised, or has some fault, go to the Fire Station.  Do not repeatedly try the card or push it in and out of the slot with force.  This has on a couple of occasions triggered an anti-fraud mechanism which cannot be reset and requires the card reader to be switched out for a replacement.

Conga Keyz @ Pathfinder Cafe

Kierin has organised some fabulous musical acts for this summer at the Pathfinder Cafe.  Come along and enjoy live music, a barbecue and a glass of something cold on the patio as the sun sets.  The first event is on Saturday 27th July:

Get ready to groove with The Congakeyz! Experience the ultimate fusion of classic hits ranging from Rock to Soul, Pop to Funk. 🎵

Witness an electrifying performance that combines soulful keyboards, funky guitars, and dynamic bass and drums. The outcome?

An irresistible party atmosphere that will keep you dancing non-stop! 

You can get tickets in advance for £17.50 at

Twilight Runway Challenge

The Twilight Runway Challenge is back this September.  Over 1,000 people will take to the runway and taxiways to run, walk, scoot, ride, hop, skip or jump the 3K, 5K and 10K routes.  This event is an important event for local community groups who in previous years have raised over £40,000 from this event alone.

As usual, the event means the airport will close a little earlier than usual, at 15:00, and there will be no OOH.  There is no impact on the following morning, we’ll open at 07:00 as usual.

Why not explore the runway from a different perspective, take part and perhaps raise some money for Aerobility, the Blackbushe Heritage Trust, or another cause close to your own heart?

GASCo Seminars

GASCo have some great seminars to enhance your flying.

This coming Monday 22nd July there is a seminar on Ditching and Sea Survival

Then on Thursday 26th September there is a seminar on Weather Decision Making.

For more information, click the links above and contact GASCo to book.

Thank you for taking the time to read our updates, and we hope they contribute to a successful summer of flying for everybody.

As always, if you have questions or want advice on anything on the aerodrome, contact the admin office:


record breaking twilight!


Gasco Ditching and Sea Survival Seminar