Full documents and policies regarding the use of Blackbushe Airport can be found on the links below. All operators agree to abide by these documents when operating from Blackbushe Airport.
Practical information associated with using Blackbushe is contained on this page.
Visiting Blackbushe by air
Please help us manage the workload in the tower by using our PPR form in advance of your flight. You’ll get an automated acknowledgement, followed by a confirmation from the tower team a short while later. This helps everyone, as it ensures the airband is kept clear for traffic information, not admin.
This information is for VFR aircraft, for IFR - see here.
If you’re coming from the North or West, please call us with 3-4 miles to run to get your first traffic information. As part of our ATZ is a Local Flying Area (LFA) within the Farnborough CTR, there are sometimes limitations on numbers of aircraft, so the earlier you call, the easier it is to manage this.
Remember to set your squawk to 7010 on entering the ATZ ready for the circuit.
There are two standard VFR / SVFR joins:
From Outside Controlled Airspace (North and West) - YELLOW
Joins from the north and west shall descend to circuit height on the “Deadside” (to the north of the Aerodrome. Care must be taken not to overfly Yateley or Eversley to the north (see Diagram in 4.1), and aircraft arriving from a north east should ensure they are positioned sufficiently west to avoid them.
From Within Controlled Airspace (South and East) - RED
Aircraft coming from within the Farnborough CTR shall join overhead at 1,600ft aal to ensure they are within the LFA. They shall descend on the Deadside and integrate with the visual circuit. Care should be exercised not to overfly the noise abatement area of Yateley except in an emergency.
TIP: If you’re coming from within the CTR from the south or east, ensure you’re aware of our noise abatement areas (shaded red in the map). If you’re coming from the SE via M3 Junction 4 VRP, ensure you are set for an overhead join over the centre of the runway, and keep south-west of the disused runway 14/32 when descending on the dead-side. If you’re not confident with this, then the best practice is to head north from the motorway, around the outside of the ATZ and rejoin from the north, through the gap between Eversley and Yateley.
When on final for Runway 25, try to keep as far south as possible and avoid excessive use of power, keeping the housing estate to the right (north).
Turn Base Leg before reaching Hawley Lake to ensure circuits remain inside the ATZ/LFA. If aircraft ahead are establishing a wider circuit, do not follow, but reposition deadside or orbit as appropriate, and in communication with ATSU.
When joining or descending deadside, take care to remain west of Yateley. Follow the path of disused runway 14/32, keeping it to the left at all times.
Turn Base Leg before reaching The Elvetham hotel (and abeam Fleet Services) to ensure circuits remain inside the ATZ/LFA. If aircraft ahead are establishing a wider circuit, do not follow, but reposition deadside or orbit as appropriate, and in communication with ATSU.
watch out for IFR ARRIVALS
IFR ATS Route Structure aircraft will typically arrive on a suitable Farnborough STAR and will be positioned either within or outside controlled airspace to obtain visual reference to the ground to complete a visual approach into Blackbushe.
If you’re operating in our circuit VFR and are informed “Jet / Turbo-prop expected imminently” you are required to give way to the faster joining traffic and communicate your intentions, either vacating the circuit, or landing on your next approach as appropriate.
Caution! Extending the Downwind leg of either Runway 25 or 07 may result in an infringement of the Farnborough CTR/CTA if the aircraft leaves the ATZ / LFA.
Circuit Procedures
Aircraft operating VFR in the circuit must squawk 7010. IFR aircraft are not permitted to operate in the LFA unless in receipt of a clearance from Farnborough.
Circuits are always to the south of the Airfield and are flown at 800ft QFE for most fixed wing aircraft.
Rotary wing circuits are flown at 800ft QFE typically inside the fixed wing circuit. All pilots should be aware of rotary traffic using non-standard circuits when using the Helicopter Training Area to the south of Runway 07/25.
Jet, turbo-prop, or other high performance traffic are requested to file IFR flight plans and operate IFR arrivals / departures. Joining jets / turbo-props may check on circuit traffic by making a call with 10 minutes to run. If there is no traffic, they may join the VFR circuit and are to operate them at 1200 ft QFE.
Pilots must remain north of the M3 motorway to avoid infringing the Farnborough ATZ / CTR.
In the interests of safety, orbits in the circuit are generally not permitted, but may be required on occasion due to the range of aircraft with different performance characteristics. Should orbits be required they should first be declared, and then be executed in the direction of the circuit.
Unless in an emergency, aircraft must observe the Rules of the Air for aerodromes at all times.
Caution! Extending the Downwind leg of either Runway 25 or 07 may result in an infringement of the Farnborough CTR/CTA if the aircraft leaves the ATZ / LFA.
Circuit Diagrams (Click to Enlarge)
Special VFR within the LFA
For more on Special VFR within the LFA see our post regarding the issue of ORS4 1467 from 11th March 2021.
“Rule 12.2”
SVFR aircraft are required to vacate the LFA prior to IFR flights to/from Blackbushe and prior to Blackbushe Runway 07 departures. Pilots operating SVFR will be reminded of this Aerodrome Instruction by Blackbushe ATSU and expected to either land and vacate the runway, or depart into the local area avoiding controlled airspace. Pilots must communicate their intentions.
Taxy Routes & Visitor Parking
Most visitors will park on the grass. There are a number of bays located behind the Fire Station. Follow Taxiway E, keeping left at the fork (one-way-system) and then turn onto the grass following the yellow sign.
When leaving the grass parking, please always make a left turn due to the one-way system.
For hard standing visitor parking, this on the apron against the fence. The Fire Crew can assist with pushback if required. Please take care to park on the white markers.
Blackbushe operates an AFIS. Aircraft may not taxy or commence any other ground movement without approval from the ATSU. This includes after vacating the runway, or after refuelling.
Departure Procedures
Unless in an emergency, all fixed wing and rotary aircraft must not depart from either runway to the North over Yateley. Aircraft must first head west before tracking North once clear of the town.
If heading west, take caution to avoid overflying Mattingley or Hazeley Heath noise abatement areas.
Pilots are responsible at all times for ensuring that there is no conflicting traffic on the approach, and that the approach is clear prior to lining up. This is especially important if the pilot is operating outside published opening hours in accordance with the Out of Hours policy.
On leaving the circuit to the West and North it is advised that first contact is to Farnborough LARS West (125.250 Mhz) 0800-2000L.
If departing to the North or West, straight out departures are permitted with a right turn to avoid overflying Hartley Wintney and avoid entering controlled airspace to the South.
If departing to the South West, South or East, a clearance must be sought to enter the Farnborough CTR/CTA (see Clearances below).
On climb out, a turn 10° to the south must be made to avoid Yateley.
Unless in an emergency, all turns must be to the south. To leave the circuit, climb on the downwind leg into the overhead, remaining outside controlled airspace above at 2000ft AMSL (1675ft AGL) unless in receipt of a clearance from Farnborough Radar.
In order to provide knowledge of intention, the table below indicates the squawk an aircraft shall select on departure from Blackbushe, unless an alternative has been given by a relevant ATSU.
Departure Direction/th> | Aircraft Intention | Squawk to Select | Suitable Frequency (Mhz) |
Any | Remaining in the Circuit / LFA | 7010 | Remain with 122.305 |
West and North |
Remaining outside of Controlled Airspace | If listening out on 125.250, 4572 and if freecalling en-route, squawk conspicuity. If a service is requested from LARS West, SSR code will be allocated by Farnborough |
If pilot requires a service from Farnborough LARS West, call on 125.250 |
South, South West, South East and East |
Subject to individual clearance from Farnborough Radar over the phone with Blackbushe ATSU | As allocated by Farnborough Radar | Call Farnborough Radar on 133.440 |
In addition, aircraft re-joining the circuit must ensure 7010 is selected prior to entering the LFA. Where an aircraft is entering the LFA from the south (within the EGLF CTR-1) they shall not select 7010 until clear of the CTR-1.
If entering the LFA at any point during your departure, irrespective of further intentions, you must Squawk 7010 whilst within the LFA, unless specifically issued a specific SSR code by Farnborough.
Transits of Farnborough CTR on Departure
Those aircraft wishing to transit beyond the LFA but still within the Farnborough CTR shall request a suitable clearance, initially from Blackbushe ATSU.
Please ask for this clearance when booking out / on your PPR. We will then note it on your strip and arrange it once you reach the run-up.
Typically clearances will be issued to one of two established Visual Reference Points (VRPs) circled in red below:
Blackbushe ATSU will pass the aircraft callsign, type and destination.
Farnborough will issue a Squawk, QNH, and a departure clearance. The typical restriction will be not above 2000ft, holding North West of Fleet Pond or North of M3 Junction 4.
Standard Fleet Pond Departure
GABCD, Farnborough clears you to cross Farnborough Control Zone, via Fleet Pond, VFR, not above altitude 2000ft, hold north west of Fleet Pond. Squawk XXXX, QNH XXXX. Contact Farnborough Radar Frequency 133.440.
Standard M3 Junction 4 Departure
GABCD, Farnborough clears you to cross Farnborough Control Zone, via M3 Junction 4, VFR, not above altitude 2000ft, hold north of M3 Junction 4. Squawk XXXX, QNH XXXX. Contact Farnborough Radar Frequency 133.440.
International Flights - Border Force
All Operators are responsible for notifying UK Border Force of any applicable flights. Operators must notify Border Force using the General Aviation Report (GAR) report form. From 6th April 2024, the only acceptable method for GARs is the online service (read more):
Or, services such as SkyDemon or Rocketroute offer this within their subscriptions.
To assist us in delivering the best service, if you’re able to send a copy of your GAR confirmation to Blackbushe it would be appreciated. The online service does not copy it to Blackbushe. It’s really useful for us to have a copy in order to resolve queries on your behalf with Border Force and avoid unnecessary delay.
The requirements for reporting vary depending upon the route being flown:
Destination/th> | Departures (GAR notice required) | Arrivals (GAR notice required) |
Republic of Ireland (ROI);Northern Ireland (NI);Isle of Man (IOM);Channel Islands (CI) | 12 Hours prior to Departure | 12 Hours prior to Arrival |
All other destinations | 2 Hours prior to Departure | 2 Hours prior to Arrival |
International Catering Waste
Any flights arriving from outside of the EU must be aware of the International Waste Requirements. For further information, please see the GOV.UK website.
The ultimate responsibility for the disposal of International Catering Waste falls with the generator (the owner / operator of the aircraft).
Blackbushe airport provides a yellow DEFRA bin. This can be used to discard of any food waste originating from outside of the EU. Should you wish to use this facility, please notify the Airport Administration or Control Tower on arrival.