Full documents and policies regarding the use of Blackbushe Airport can be found on the links below. All operators agree to abide by these documents when operating from Blackbushe Airport.
This page contains practical information for pilots of IFR jets or turbo-props. Operators of Single or Twin Engine Piston aircraft are requested to switch from IFR to VFR prior to arrival and join the visual circuit in the normal way. Do not expect to join on a long final and for established circuit traffic to give way.
visiting as an ifr jet or turbo-prop
The most challenging element of Blackbushe is managing the integration of jet / turbo-prop traffic with VFR circuit traffic. Due to the tight nature of the circuit, and the overlap with Farnborough CTR-1, it is highly undesirable for such aircraft to enter the visual circuit unless it is clear of other traffic.
flight plans
We request that all arriving jets or turbo-props operate on an IFR flight plan, even for short routes from local airfields. Such arrivals will then be routed by Farnborough following their Standard Arrival Routes (STARs). VFR aircraft operating in the circuit will be warned of the “imminent” arrival, and should vacate the ATZ or give way to IFR traffic.
RUNWAY 25 Arrivals
You can expect to be positioned onto a 4 mile final just west of Bagshot Mast and outside the LTMA.
RUNWAY 07 Arrivals
You can expect to be positioned onto a 4 mile final west of Hook VRP. Please take care to ensure you fly north of the village of Hartley Wintney and throttle back as much as possible to avoid the noise abatement area.
Expediting Arrivals and switching to VFR
It is not desirable for jets or turbo-props to operate within the Blackbushe circuit when the circuit is occupied by other VFR light aircraft. However, it is recognised that for some arrivals on Runway 25 from the direction of CPT VOR it is desirable to switch to VFR and join the visual circuit to avoid a circuitous routing around Farnborough controlled airspace.
Jet or turbo-prop aircraft wishing to arrive using the visual circuit must comply with the following to establish the circuit is clear before leaving airways or changing from IFR to VFR.
(i) Contact Blackbushe Information on 122.305 to ask for aerodrome information.
(ii) On receipt of information, ask if the circuit is occupied, and state your intention to join the visual circuit.
(iii) If Blackbushe Information state the circuit is occupied with VFR aircraft, then remain IFR and stay with Farnborough to be routed around to the south of Farnborough and onto a straight-in long final for Runway 25.
Caution! Extending the Downwind leg of either Runway 25 or 07 may result in an infringement of the Farnborough CTR/CTA if the aircraft leaves the ATZ / LFA.
Recommended Go-Around Profiles
In order to provide safety assurance between operations inside Farnborough Controlled Airspace against IFR aircraft carrying out a missed approach at Blackbushe, Blackbushe ATSU and Farnborough ATC have agreed a “Recommended Go-Around profile”. This profile is advised to Blackbushe operators by the provisions below and within the Blackbushe AIP entry and pilots are requested to operate within the profile.
For both runway directions, pilots are requested to carry out their missed approach to remain within the visual circuit and ATZ at Blackbushe, remaining north of the M3 motorway at all times, and operate VFR.
When this is not possible, pilots are requested to adopt the following:
> Runway 25 – Climb straight ahead until exiting the ATZ, or 1500ft QNH (whichever is sooner) then turn right on track to the west, climbing to altitude 2400ft.
> Runway 07 – Climb straight ahead until exiting the ATZ, or 1500ft QNH (whichever is sooner) then turn left own navigation, to remain outside of controlled airspace and climb to altitude 2400ft.
Pilots must communicate their intention to remain IFR, or operate VFR, in order that Blackbushe ATSU can advise Farnborough ATC to ensure suitable separation action.
Apron Parking for Jets & turbo Props
Jets & turbo-props will be parked on the Terminal Apron. Typically on both runways we will endeavour to facilitate jet / turbo-prop departures on Taxiway A. This will involve a backtrack on Runway 25. At busier times, it will be a vacate at Taxiway E.
Aircraft on a same day turnaround will usually be parked on stands 1-3 which are taxi-in and taxi-out. A marshal will ensure you’re parked correctly.
At busier times, or for aircraft overnighting, you can be expect to be parked on stands 4-9 which support Cessna jets, Kingairs, PC12s, and other similar sized aircraft. Expect to be marshaled in front of the stand with a 90º turn to finish. Our Mototok robo-tug will then push the aircraft back onto stand.
Please call before starting as we will usually pull aircraft on stands 4-9 forward again for departure to avoid jet blast / prop wash onto the footpath running behind the perimeter fence.
IFR Departure Procedures
Aircraft who have filed an IFR flight plan will be coordinated with NATS Terminal Control (TC) and Farnborough Radar prior to departure. Wessex group airfield departures (includes Blackbushe, Farnborough, Fairoaks, Odiham and Lasham) are coordinated to avoid conflicts. All flights are treated equally on a first-come, first-serve basis (except aircraft with a CTOT who will be prioritised to ensure CTOT compliance).
Farnborough will normally issue a clearance as follows:
Farnborough instructs “callsign” to depart on track to the West remaining outside Controlled Airspace, climb to altitude 3,000ft, squawk xxxx, QNH yyyy. Next Frequency 134.355*
* Note that when Farnborough airport are closed a clearance will be issued by TC which may differ.
Aircraft are requested to ensure they turn right early enough to track north of the village of Hartley Wintney which is a noise abatement area.
Aircraft departing on Runway 25 heading north will not usually be incumbered by traffic departing Farnborough. Aircraft heading south will integrate with Farnborough departures, and may be held waiting for their place in the “queue”. Departures from Farnborough and Blackbushe are treated equally on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Farnborough will normally issue a clearance as follows:
Farnborough clears “callsign” to join controlled airspace, right turn out on track OCK, climb to altitude 2,000ft squawk xxxx, QNH yyyy. Next Frequency 134.355*
* Note that when Farnborough airport are closed a clearance will be issued by TC which may differ.
Aircraft are requested to ensure they turn right early as early as possible to avoid houses under the climbout.
Aircraft departing on Runway 07 heading in all directions will integrate with Farnborough departures, and may be held waiting for their place in the “queue”. Departures from Farnborough and Blackbushe are treated equally on a first-come, first-serve basis.
International Flights - Border Force
All Operators are responsible for notifying UK Border Force of any applicable flights. Operators must notify Border Force using the General Aviation Report (GAR) report form. From 6th April 2024, the only acceptable method for GARs is the online service (read more):
Or, services such as SkyDemon or Rocketroute offer this within their subscriptions.
To assist us in delivering the best service, if you’re able to send a copy of your GAR confirmation to Blackbushe it would be appreciated. The online service does not copy it to Blackbushe. It’s really useful for us to have a copy in order to resolve queries on your behalf with Border Force and avoid unnecessary delay.
The requirements for reporting vary depending upon the route being flown:
Destination/th> | Departures (GAR notice required) | Arrivals (GAR notice required) |
Republic of Ireland (ROI);Northern Ireland (NI);Isle of Man (IOM);Channel Islands (CI) | 12 Hours prior to Departure | 12 Hours prior to Arrival |
All other destinations | 2 Hours prior to Departure | 2 Hours prior to Arrival |
International Catering Waste
Any flights arriving from outside of the EU must be aware of the International Waste Requirements. For further information, please see the GOV.UK website.
The ultimate responsibility for the disposal of International Catering Waste falls with the generator (the owner / operator of the aircraft).
Blackbushe airport provides a yellow DEFRA bin. This can be used to discard of any food waste originating from outside of the EU. Should you wish to use this facility, please notify the Airport Administration or Control Tower on arrival.