Autumn Update
Welcome to our Autumn update. Ordinarily we would try to hold residents meetings - but as these aren't possible at the moment, we have tried to update you all with this newsletter. The topics include:
Joining Procedures & Noise Abatement
Airspace Infringements
Taxiway F & The 07 Run-Up
NHS Drive-Flu
Car Park Gates
Be Safe Airside
Winter Night Flying
We've seen a burst of noise complaints over the past few months. This was to be expected, as more people are at home, and the weather has been good so windows have been open, or they are outside. The majority of the noise complaints concern aircraft arriving into Blackbushe.
There has been a noticeable trend of aircraft straying into the noise abatement areas, and I'd like to draw everyone's attention to these and how to avoid them. There have been three themes here:
Aircraft joining from M3 J4 VRP direction who are not turning towards the runway centre point, but instead keeping east, ending up flying from east to west over Yateley.
Aircraft joining from Fleet Pond VRP, who are continuing due north, and overflying Yateley to make their descent on the deadside
Aircraft attempting to join for a long final for Runway 25 who find themselves unable to integrate with the circuit and end up turning north over Yateley.
The diagrams below illustrate these paths. Unfortunately our most prolific noise complainant lives close to the Blackbushe Business Park and experiences the majority of these.
Always plan to follow the prescribed joining routes. This is a deadside join if arriving from outside controlled airspace, or an overhead join at 1,600ft if joining from within the controlled airspace.
If you're arriving and can hear the circuit is busy, do not attempt to make non-standard joins, these will ultimately cause aircraft established in the circuit difficulty and will result in someone having to go around.
When on the deadside, remain to the west of the disused runways at all times.
If coming from the direction of M3 J4 VRP, if you don't feel confident in being able to make the OHJ work and avoid the noise abatement, continue north, follow the railway line and then come in from the north in the gap between Yateley and Eversley (see dotted red line below)
It's been identified that in a recent map update, the SkyDemon chart shows the noise abatement areas incorrectly. The shapes are the correct size, but they've shifted approx 0.5nm to the north. This has led some pilots to believe they were avoiding them, when in fact they weren't. This has been flagged to SkyDemon and fixed for the next map update, but as of today it's still incorrect - beware!
Airspace infringements have noticeably settled down now (the last one was 30th August), and in particular everyone seems to be familiar with the end of the downwind leg for Runway 25. We have had 30 reported infringements by Blackbushe aircraft. Below are the stats on these:
14 Extensions of the downwind leg over Hawley Lake
3 climbed vertically within the LFA
5 were non-adherence to a clearance - make sure you understand with what ATC are instructing you to do.
2 were corner cutting of the CTR
5 were infringements of CTAs later in flight - watch out climbing above 2,000ft after you've transited, as some CTAs start at 2,500ft.
1 was an issue with an IFR squawk (we don't expect to see this again).
11 were from Blackbushe Flying Group aircraft (this is to be expected statistically based on the movement numbers - it is not a cause for concern)
8 were private owners
3 were from equity flying groups
1 was from a based flying school with an instructor
4 were flying school with no instructor onboard
3 were a non-based commercial flying school
The below diagrams were shared to us by Farnborough at a Local Airspace Infringement Team (LAIT) meeting which show graphically where those infringements in the vicinity of the ATZ were.
Click Images to Enlarge
The airspace continues to present some challenges when the circuit is busy, and go-arounds have increased substantially. There has been some interest from the CAA in coming up for a solution to allow pilots to extend downwind if necessary. We've already had meetings with Farnborough on the topic, who are supportive, and will update you when we have something we can share.
We have had some feedback on the 07 Run-up now that part of the area formerly available is used for aircraft parking. At busy times, it can get congested, and this has resulted in aircraft queueing on Taxiway E, or aircraft meeting on Taxiway F. We are reviewing this, and it's likely that in the next few weeks that we implement a one-way rule on Taxiway F.
In order for aircraft to be able to run-up safely, and into wind, we are asking pilots to enter the run-up from the western end of Taxiway F, and then taxi along F to the eastern end. Once complete, aircraft should exit onto taxiway E from the run-up area. This allows aircraft to queue along Taxiway F if necessary, and avoids aircraft trying to pass behind one another in close proximity.
We are reviewing the change to this taxiway, and will need to order some signage to implement, but in the meantime would appreciate pilot cooperation in using this area.
This autumn, local NHS GP surgeries are having to manage a larger than usual flu vaccination programme whilst remaining prepared against the threat of a second-wave of COVID-19. With that in mind, you may have noticed this week that a drive-through flu vaccination centre has opened in our car park. Eligible patients will be able to drive in, remain in their vehicles, and receive their vaccination through their car window. This keeps vulnerable members of society away from GP surgeries which may have coronavirus patients.
They are occupying approximately 40 spaces. We have created an additional 13 spaces, and airport staff cars are being parked on the grass (which frees up 7-10 spaces).
Please help us by:
Observing the new temporary roundabout, and being prepared for slow moving vehicles in the car park.
Parking within marked bays
Do not park on the grass - airport staff are parking here, but we are limiting this to prevent damage to the surface.
The flu vaccinations are only for patients of 7 GP surgeries in the Surrey Heath CCG - they are not available to everybody.
We've had a few occasions in the last week where pilots have been leaving at similar times. The first pilot reaches the gate, finds it locked, and opens it. In the process they see another pilot leaving, so they gesture they will leave it open, and the next pilot fails to shut it behind them.
Please can we ask you, unless someone is in their vehicle at the gate, to just lock it shut behind you. It only takes a moment for the public to come in, or street racers, or people attempting to camp overnight. We've seen all 3 of these situations recently.
We've had feedback from some residents regarding the use of hi-vis tabards etc. We have more aircraft now, and these aircraft are spreading further from the car-park. With extra pedestrians its important we manage the interaction between pedestrians and aircraft.
For a long time we've had a mandatory hi-vis policy. We don't go around chastising pilots for not wearing hi-vis, as we know how quickly an airport can get a bad reputation. But please bear in mind, we have a diverse mix of traffic, in particular we have business jets that are more familiar operating in highly controlled airside environments. Please help yourself to be seen when walking around the aerodrome by wearing a hi-vis when walking along, or crossing taxiways and parking areas.
SUN 25 OCTOBER 2020 - SAT 27 MARCH 2021
We intend to operate winter night flying once the clocks change as in previous years - providing opening until 19:00 local each day for those who are undertaking night ratings, keeping current, or just returning that bit later. We will publish more information on charges and procedures in a few weeks.
Following the decision which went against us from our High Court hearing this February, a date has now been set by the Court of Appeal for the next stage. It is 23-24 February 2021 at the Royal Courts of Justice. We expect a decision would be handed down a few weeks or months later, so we don't expect to have an update on this before April 2021.