GASCO Weather Decision Making Seminar


Thursday 26th September 2024 

 Weather Decision Making for GA 

A one-day Seminar with the Met Office and GASCo. 

To be held at the Met Office, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB 

Enhance your understanding of how Air Masses and Fronts affect weather in the UK so that your go, no go decisions are more reliable and safer. 

This interactive workshop is suitable for all pilots, whatever your form of aviation, beginners or experienced. Presented by Met Office College Staff it presents a unique opportunity to revise and improve your Aviation Meteorology knowledge, as well as how you might better apply this to flight planning. 

Contact the GASCo Office: or Tel: 01634 200203. 

 GASCo, Rochester City Airport, Chatham, Kent ME5 9SD – 


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