Drones/Model Planes / Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA)
The airspace around Blackbushe Airport needs to be safeguarded during our opening hours, to allow the safe passage of air traffic – you can help ensure this happens.
Flights of drones and remotely piloted aircraft around most aerodromes (those designated as protected aerodromes) are restricted. Drones and remotely piloted aircraft of any size must not be flown within the Flight Restriction Zone (FRZ) of a protected aerodrome, without appropriate permission.
The FRZ consists of two elements:
A zone with the same dimensions as the existing Aerodrome Traffic Zone used by traditional aviation. This is a 2 nautical mile radius ‘cylinder’ around the aerodrome, extending 2,000 ft above ground level, centred on the runway.
Runway Protection Zones: A rectangle extending 5Km from the threshold (end) of each runway away from the aerodrome, along the extended runway centreline, and 500m either side - also to a height of 2,000 ft above ground level.
It is illegal to fly any drone / model aircraft / SUA at any time within these restricted zones unless you have permission from Blackbushe Airport.
Operators of drones must inform Blackbushe Airport as soon as possible when they intend to operate using the Altitude Angel platform. Each drone operation will need to be risk assessed by the airport team prior to approval. This can consume significant time resource, which often isn’t available during our busier periods. We therefore require all drone requests to be made at least 72 hours in advance so that these assessments can be made at quieter times.
There is no charge for recreational drone requests made >72 hours in advance.
For Commercially operated drones, there is a charge of £15 per approval.
For expedited requests for recreation or commercial use (made with less than 72 hours notice) there is a charge of £30 per approval.
Many drone operators request 400ft maximum height when most projects don’t actually require anything near that height. If your objectives can be achieved by remaining below 150ft, particularly when operating at either end of the runway or to the south of the aerodrome, requests are more likely to be approved.
Operations close to either end of the runway will normally require aerodrome traffic to cease for the duration of the flight. Closing the aerodrome to accommodate a drone won’t usually be approved. Blackbushe opens at 07:00 daily, but activity really picks up after 09:00. Flights that can take place before we open or before 09:00 are more likely to be approved.
drone / model aircraft / sua requestS
From Monday 22nd April 2024, we have partnered with Altitude Angel to manage our drone requests. Please click on the map below to utilise the operator portal.
Terms and Conditions
Approval is issued subject to permission on the day based on the airports operational state. Final approval shall be obtained by the drone operator prior to flight by calling the Blackbushe Tower via telephone on 01252 471 300.
The Operator must be contactable by telephone throughout the flight, please provide a contact number to the tower if it is different to what is detailed on the approval.
Where the Approval details specific restrictions, these have been put in place to ensure the safety of our operation and must be complied with.
The flight is to be conducted in accordance with the Air Navigation Order and you are responsible for avoiding all other aircraft at all times.
Approval for access to airspace is given on the basis of remaining entirely within the limits of the stated lateral and vertical operating area and no safety assurance against other Unusual Air Activities taking place in the same area is given or implied.
The Operator must maintain direct, unaided visual contact with the drone at all times, sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions for which you are exclusively responsible and liable for.
The Operator shall have the Approval and CAA Permission for Commercial Operation (if required) in their possession at all times during flight.
The Operator/Flight Assistant shall maintain an exclusive telephone line for Blackbushe ATSU to contact them in the event of an emergency. The drone must be landed immediately if any incident arises or is likely.
Operators are required to have drone insurance sufficient to cover all aviation risks that may arise.
The granting of Approval/Permission does not imply exemption from the requirements of the Air Navigation Order or the Rules of the Air Regulations. Applications for flights which require exemption or written permission under the Air Navigation Order must be made to the Civil Aviation Authority.
Approvals are not valid if any of the details of the operation change (vertical/lateral limits etc). An updated request should be submitted, and further approval received prior to flight.
further information on drones
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and NATS (National Air Traffic Services) have websites with information on how to fly your drone safely:
Information on drone flying rules within the UK, and registration of drones and drone pilots.
Drone flight plans, airspace restriction maps, and training for drone pilots.
Drone Safe provide tools for pilots to support safer flying. They also have a register of professional pilots who can undertake all kinds of aerial photography and videography for your needs.